The Heal & Protect Smudge Box


This Smudge Box includes the 3 herbal Smudge Sticks: Peppermint, Lavender & Cedar

Each Smudge Stick has a White Sage base. White Sage is considered sacred by many Native Americans. White sage is believed to cleanse a space of negative energies or evil spirits that may be present. This power is said to be released from the plant by the burning of the leaves, which are typically bundled into a wand or stick. Today many Native American tribes still use the stems and leaves for smudging as part of purification ceremonies.

Additionally the Smudge Sticks all have their own benefits.

 The Peppermint Smudge Stick is simply refreshing and soothing and is often used for purity, protection, release, and renewal. It also cleanses, brings clarity to the mind, energizes body and mind and helps you focus on “here and now”. Peppermint is known as a powerful, potent and prolific healing herb that has been known to heal many ailments. It is virtually a panacea and a healing force to be reckoned with.

 The Lavender Smudge Stick brings a positive energy. It opens up the heart chakra, it calms the mind and releases fear while being effective at soothing the nervous system. Lavender has powers of protection, calming and cleansing.

  The Cedar smudge stick is best known for it’s ability to attract good spirits and eliminate negative energy. In Native American tradition it was used to carry prayers to the creator among it’s power to purify places, objects and people.


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 How to Smudge:
Simply light the end of the Smudge Stick on fire. Allow it to burn for a moment and blow out the flame. The Smudge Stick will then smolder producing the smoke used to cleanse. Use an Abalone Shell or heatproof object to catch the falling ashes.

Please make sure to put out the fire of the Smudge Stick before leaving it unattended.

 Size: Approximately 10 cm.

 Each smudge stick is unique and varies in size, shape and color.