Golden Triangle


The golden triangle is the magic combination of Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Clear Crystal.

When used in a symbolic triangle, their effects complement each other and so the energy flow in you home or work space is balanced optimally. Together they will allow you to relax, cleanse your space and generate some more love in your surroundings.


Amethyst Relieves stress, headaches and anxiety, it promotes the well-being of the body and the spirit.

Clear Crystal Quartz  Purifies all the energies  in a room, including human, animals and plants. In addition, it amplifies the good vibes of the other Crystals around him.

The Rose Quartz Brings gentleness and loving vibes into your home, it allows you to create a peaceful atmosphere and a comfortable home.


3 Crystals: Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Clear Crystal

Size: 1-3cm

Comes with pouch and

Description included

Color may vary since this is a natural product